A BRAIN Initiative resource: The neuroscience multi-omic data archive
The Neuroscience Multi-Omic (NeMo) Archive is a data repository specifically focused on the storage and dissemination of omic data generated from the BRAIN Initiative and related brain research projects. Containing knowledge from varied sources in one resource allows traversal between datatypes based on common metadata. The information incorporated into the NeMO archive enables, in part, understanding of
This resource allows users to answer diverse questions of relevance to brain research, such as identifying diagnostic candidates, predicting prognosis, selecting treatments, and testing hypotheses. It also provides the basic knowledge to guide the development and execution of predictive and machine learning algorithms in the future. The NeMO Archive is consistent with the principles advanced by the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science, including FAIR Principles, documentation of APIs, data-indexing systems, workflow sharing, use of shareable software pipelines and storage on cloud-based systems.
Owen White, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)
Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Associate Director, Institute for Genome Sciences
Seth Ament, Ph.D. (Co-investigator)
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Michelle Giglio, Ph.D. (Co-investigator)
Associate Professor, Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Associate Director, Analysis, Institute for Genome Sciences
Anup Mahurkar (Co-investigator)
Executive Director, Bioinformatics Software Engineering,
Institute for Genome Sciences
Lynn Schriml, Ph.D. (Co-investigator)
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health,
University of Maryland School of Medicine